Province of Chennai
Province of Chennai

170 th Anniversary of the Foundation

  Message of Fr.Provincial 14th July 2019

The Evangelizing Vocation of Father Claret

  Message of Fr.Provincial 23 October 2019

Felicitation Message from Fr. General

Dear Friends
Fr. General has writte a felicitation message for the Province of Chennai as we mark silver jubilee year of the Province (1993 – 2018).

Message about Corona Virus Epidemic

Dear brothers,

Fraternal Greetings. Thanks for being united with us in prayers and fraternal communion. COVID 19 has peaked its hold in Italy in the last few days and the Government has taken stringent measures to arrest its spread which includes a complete shutdown all over Italy except for essential services. We do not go out of the house at all. All services like receptionist, cleaning and washing services are taken care of by us. Perhaps, we will have to take up cooking too in the next week. The whole country is united to fight the terror of the virus. Students have classes online. The General government continues its council sessions of March as usual.

World Day of the Poor

Dear Superior & Community
Fr. General has written the circular letter for the World Day of the Poor. Kindly go through and reflect about it.

Silver Jubilee Message for Province of Chennai

Silver Jubilee Message for Province of Chennai  

Welcoming the “new normal” life with Covid-19 around us

Dear brothers,

Greetings of the Easter season! After nearly three months of greeting used to both the fight against the pandemic virus, the preventive lockdown, and carrying out our mission within the limitations of it, we are slowly learning to be at ease with the COVID times. In Rome, we are getting back to a “new normal” life with some restrictions after 10 weeks of lockdown. In some countries the pandemic is only marching towards its peak. Certainly, what we do not know about the virus is more than what we know about it. However, there is reasonable awareness of the nature of the diffusion, conditions for recovery and the risks of infection. Let us be cautious about any eventual second or third wave of the pandemic that can cause more damage. Responsible physical distancing is still the best practice for not to get infected and not to infect others. COVID-19 virus will probably join the club of other viruses that are around us and threaten human life until a vaccine is readily available.

Superior General’s Messages, 2021

About Us

A Son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a man on fire with love, who spreads its flames wherever he goes. He desires mightily and strives by all means possible to set everyone on fire with God’s love. Nothing daunts him: he delights in privations, welcomes work, embraces sacrifices, smiles at slander, rejoices in all the torments and sorrows he suffers, and glories in the cross of Jesus Christ. His only concern is how he may follow Christ and imitate him in praying, working, enduring and striving constantly and solely for the greater glory of God and the salvation of humankind

History of our Congregation

With the words “Today a great work begins,” pronounced by Mosén Antonio Claret, gathered with five young priests in a small room of the Seminary of Vic, on July 16, 1849, the life of the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart