Province of Chennai
Province of Chennai


On May 30, 2024, the Claretians from the province of Chennai gathered to celebrate Province Day with a series of spiritually enriching and thought-provoking events. The day commenced at 6:30 AM with Morning Prayer and Meditation, setting a reflective tone for the day’s proceedings. The formal sessions began at 9:15 AM with the Enthronement of the Holy Bible, accompanied by prayer, the lighting of the lamp, and Bible reading. This was followed by a silent homage to the late Fr. A. Chinnapparaj CMF. The welcome address highlighted the significance of the day and set the stage for the discussions to follow. The session began at 9:45 AM, featuring Fr. Philomine Raj SJ, who delivered a compelling talk on “Deteriorating Democratic Principles in India and the Religious’ Response.” His insights sparked deep reflections and discussions among the attendees. At 12:45 PM, the community paused for the Angelus, a traditional prayer marking the Annunciation. This was followed by lunch at 1:00 PM, providing an opportunity for informal conversations and camaraderie.

The afternoon session at 3:00 PM focused on province matters, with discussions and information sharing that addressed the administrative and pastoral concerns of the community. This session was crucial for the ongoing development and cohesion of the province. The day concluded at 4:15 PM with a Thanksgiving, expressing gratitude for the day’s experiences and the shared commitment to the community’s mission and values. Province Day 2024 was a meaningful and enriching event, reinforcing the Claretian community’s dedication to spiritual growth, social justice, and mutual support.

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